An enigmatic composer of art, music, and advocacy, Jean-Michel Basquiat has inspired creatives around the globe for decades. Known as the Radiant Child, he was no stranger to finding beauty in chaos, infusing this vibrant energy into every medium he touched. This collection celebrates the delicate art of abstract expression through movement, sound, and the rhythm and flow created by their fusion. We are proud to present this collection featuring the iconic art of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
The Camp Shirt showcases a cropped design with Basquiat embroidery on the front and back, along with front darts for an enhanced fit.
Available in Black
Limited BASQUIAT x Roark Capsule
Roark - The Artifacts of Adventure
Every season the collection is inspired by stories, culture, climate, people and local textiles from travels to a different point on the map. The chase for Roark began out of a desire to tell stories born from adventures. Click for more Roark